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Treat Your Sciatica with Acupuncture

In this day and age, a good amount of people are either sitting or standing in the same position for too long. Over a long period of time of repeatedly sitting or standing in the same position, this can lead to what is called a disc herniation. A disc herniation, also known as a slipped disc or ruptured disc, can place pressure on the sciatic nerve which aggravates it and causes what is known as sciatica. It is not a pleasant sensation and can get to the point where it is debilitating to daily life. That is where acupuncture comes in and helps decrease the severity of the disc herniation. A disc herniation can heal by itself under the right conditions, but acupuncture can help it heal much faster by reducing inflammation at the site. By reducing the inflammation from the disc herniation, there is less pressure on the sciatic nerve, therefore alleviating a lot of pain that comes from it.

Poor posture can cause sciatica by putting pressure on the lower back, which is where the sciatic nerve is located. Unnecessary pressure can irritate and damage the nerve, causing sciatica. Poor posture can come in different forms, such as hunched back, stooped shoulders, curved spine, flat back, tipped pelvis, and one leg up while sitting. All of these can cause sciatica if they are done over a long period of time. It is important to take walking breaks or set up your workstation ergonomically to ensure your lower back is supported, your feet are supported, and not leaning forward. Our licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Gary Tran, can help you fix your posture if he sees that there is something fundamentally wrong with it, effectively helping you prevent sciatica from occurring.

Surprisingly, Dr. Gary's favorite thing to treat is sciatica. He currently has a track record of 100% success rate with treating sciatica over the past 3 years, and he loves to get patients who are complaining of sciatica because he wants to challenge that track record. It's one of his biggest bragging points that he's proud of. If you are currently dealing with sciatica, then it'd be worth considering coming to Pinnacle Acupuncture where there is a doctor who welcomes it with (albeit strange) passion and determination.


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